Racing with the handbrake on
From the last newsletter sent, we have gone from full enthusiasm to frustration, postponements & cancellations – this year has been a real challenge to say the least.
As a club, we were very fortunate to have run Bothwell Loop in March, the 3rd round of the 2020 ABC Rallysprint Series. The threat of Covid then became very real in New Zealand. After experiencing a full country wide lock down, I think it was fair to say we’d hoped things would revert back to normal, it is pretty far from it still.
Scheduled club events falling victim to postponements & cancellations, it is like racing with the handbrake on..

Clubs throughout the country are pushing through & events are being run in a safe manner where possible. QR codes are ready off hand & 2 meter distancing applies, they stand united & push on.
Pukekohe Car Club & South Auckland Car Club were geared up to run the clubmans rally in Maramarua forest, an event many were looking forward to. A second lockdown level 3 within Auckland early August quashed that notion, the scary reality of this virus again very real. Other events in the calendar also falling victim to the same fate, an organizers nightmare!!
Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. We now must learn to adapt to this new strange way of living.

Maramarua Clubmans Rally 6th September 2020
With regret, the clubmans rally is off the cards for now.
Many hours have been spent plotting & organizing the course, the meetings held with various volunteers, the biccies & banana cake benchmarks to support the meetings, to get so close to running the event. Always a hard call & a tough decision to make to postpone any event but necessary just off the back of Auckland’s Covid level 3.
Many thanks to all who were involved in this process to date.
2020 ABC Rallysprint Series

SACC’s recent round 4 of the Rallysprint Series had an impressive jump at Forestry HQ providing thrills for many competitors & giving spectators a dream spot to watch from the sidelines. SACC’s Nick Willis getting some serious air before having an almost moment on the other side. I am still singing that song by Seal, ‘I believe I can fly…’ off the back of that event, admittedly I egged on my driver & am a massive fan of air time!

Hoddle Road was set to be the 5th round of the Rallysprint Series.
The nationwide August Covid alert putting the event into jeopardy. Hamilton Car Club pushed it out by a week & managed to successfully run the event, although having to drop the round from the series due to the quarantine stricken Auckland competitors unable to breach the heavily guarded boundaries. Affected Auckland competitors seriously gutted they couldn’t run on this iconic piece of road.
Thames Valley Car Club have Piakonui Road up as the next round of the series, being held on Sunday 4th October.
Regs out soon!
We are looking forward to the finale round of the series, it has been another excellent year of events for the ABC Rallysprint Series!
Hats off to Steve Russell & all the Clubs who are involved in the series.
Check out the Drivers points tables here
Check out the Co-Drivers points tables here

The PCC AGM is scheduled for 7pm on Wednesday 7th October.
Please come along & support the Club.
We need numbers in attendance – 2 meter distancing, hand sanitizers & friendly banter all guaranteed.
An opportunity to come along & tell us what you want in the upcoming club calendar. Also put your hand up to be more involved if you can, we always need the help of our dedicated volunteers to make our events happen.

PCC Speed Weekend
28th & 29th November, Port Waikato-Waikaretu Road
Interclub Hillclimb Series Round
MSNZ National Hillclimb Championships Rounds
Very affordable onsite accommodation rates
!!Need Volunteers!! – Click here to come & spectate & help us out
2020 – 2021 PCC Paul Crispe Motorkahana Summer Series
Currently underway structuring series dates
Need a few more hands on deck as we focus on delivering another excellent series
Please get in touch to form part of the team
Interclub Hillclimb Series TVCC Quine Road 20th Sept – Tarmac
NCC Doctors Hill Road 27th Sept – Tarmac
PCC Port Waikato-Waikaretu Road 29th Nov – Gravel
HCMC Pritchard Road 8th Nov – Gravel
ABC Rallysprint Series TVCC Piakonui Road 4th October
James Allen Memorial Rallysprint
SACC Force Motorsport 25th Anniversary James Allen Memorial Rallysprint 25th October
Rally NZ
City of Auckland Rally 14th November
Battle of Jacks Ridge rallysprint 15th November
Loads more events – FOLLOW THE CALENDAR

Club nights are held at the Pukekohe Car Clubrooms on Station Road at 7pm on the first Wednesday evening of each month.
Stayed turned on our facebook page for details on the next club night.
Come & catch up with the team, talk motorsport & keep well informed of what’s coming up.

Got any cool builds underway, updates on events you have competed in, pictures or general info you want to share? Business plugs, even calls to our member base to support the Club & sponsor our upcoming Speed Weekend?
Get in touch