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July News

We’re reaching the midway point of 2023, quite surreal how fast the year is accelerating along. The economic climate is volatile, the weather is unpredictable, things are seemingly getting harder for the everyday person. Resilience though is underlying and Kiwi’s continue to have this amazing attitude in the face of …

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May News

Action Stations With a good splattering of events on, people have been putting in the km’s around the country to get to their place to be. Race skills activated with pothole mines everywhere along thy journey. The weather pressure cooker’s still simmering so we’ll count our lucky stars and take …

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April News

After the Big Event Bothwell Loop rallysprint went smashingly, probably one of our best run & people came out in their droves to get into a bit of the rally action on March 20th. A solid field of 61 descended into the valley, the opening rounds of both the Northern …

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March News

Event Month Usually struggling to meet the deadline to spit out the newsie, this month it comes slightly early. It’s event month & we’re buzzing! Rev up your engines people & make your way to Bothwell Loop Rallysprint. The weather’s being fair, Autumn’s sun breakouts remind us of what we …

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February News

February NEWS Last I checked it was Summer although I’m not entirely sure. You grab a hat then it pours, you reach for a raincoat & it’s back to 30°C+, cummon Mother Nature… The weather has certainly dampened our spirits but not our drive. We do have wet socks, we …

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January News

2023, here we are. . . Wash the slate clean & get into it – literally wash with the amount of rain we’ve had post Xmas. The club’s website events calendar has been updated & there are a lot of events plugged in for this year, a good planning tool …

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December News

The year has roared by and now we are charging on the home stretch to Xmas. All in all, it’s been a prosperous year of events and racing. We’ve had to dig a little deeper in the pockets to fund the hobbies sure, the events pool shimmered with so many events this year – the biggest …

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October News

The dust, ar-hem mud, is settling from the international, the land of the long white cloud delivered demanding conditions for competitors for the sold-out WRC weekend ending Oct 2nd. Spanning Raglan to Kaipara, there was no escape from the mud, no matter where you went. The contingent trekked & herded, marched & waded, load & …

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September News

September you’re almost done, but before you go you grace us with the highest profile NZ rally event of the decade, hands down! WRC is locked and loaded for Sept 29 – Oct 2 around the greater Auckland region, bringing the roaring pace of Kalle ROVANPERÄ, Ott TÄNAK and Sébastien …

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